CATS LYNX Silver Line Transit Oriented Development
Charlotte, NC, USA
Neighboring Concepts supported Kittelson & Associates in their multi-faceted transit-oriented development (TOD) study along Charlotte’s proposed LYNX Silver Line, a 26 mile, multi-jurisdictional light rail line. The study evaluated development scenarios for station areas, assessing affordable housing and economic development strategies, and identified key multimodal infrastructure needed to maximize the reach of the stations. This included how to integrate transit-oriented development and multimodal transportation connectivity to the stations. Neighboring Concepts supported the charrettes and outdoor public workshops, contributing to Kittelson's plans for seven focus areas of TOD study, and conducted a regulatory tools analysis of the Silver Line's five partner jurisdictions, the Town of Matthews and four of fastest growing municipalities in Gaston and Union counties: Gastonia, Belmont, Stallings and Indian Trail. These are the municipalities that will be most influenced by the project outside of Charlotte. Neighboring Concepts' analysis discussed regulatory frameworks for TOD readiness based nation-wide regulatory practices for TOD. A menu of potential regulatory tools was provided to provide options that smaller municipalities could consider in meeting their comprehensive plans, including emerging new practices, as well as a comprehensive treatment of community benefits tools and paradigms to complement with land use ordinance recommendations.
In progress
26 Mile Corridor | 27 Stations | 4 VMF Facilities
External Team:
Lead Engineer: Kittelson & Associates
Services Provided:
Transit Planning,
Public Engagement,
Graphics + Visualization