Dr. John T. Crawford Renaissance Center
3610 Nobles Ave, Charlotte, NC 28208, USA
The Renaissance Community Center is part of Phase II of The Renaissance, Charlotte Housing Authority and Laurel Street Residential’s redevelopment of a 40-acre former public housing site. The building is sited on axis with the main entrance of the neighborhood and is located centrally to make all amenities easily accessible to the new residents. The facility houses a leasing/management office, a large multi-purpose room and an educational center including administrative offices and a computer classroom. Additionally, the clubhouse consists of a community room, a cafe, a fitness center, a computer lab, and a laundry facility. The unique program of the building serves the redevelopment’s mission as an Educational Village.
The Renaissance Community Center, designed to achieve LEED® certification, serves as the development’s flagship LEED® building. It’s sustainable design features are evident through the predominant east-west orientation, the use of large overhangs, shading devices and glazing to lower electricity costs and the use of local materials.
15,150 sqft
Charlotte Housing Authority / Laurel Street Residential
External Team:
Services Provided:
Construction Administration,
LEED Certification