GTCC Transportation & Welding Building
6012 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27407, USA
The team of Perkins Eastman, Neighboring Concepts, and Mercer Architecture provided campus master planning for Guilford Tech Community College’s Cameron Campus. The implementation of the master plan was divided among the design team with the Transportation and Welding Building being led by Neighboring Concepts. Seeking LEED Platinum certification, the Transportation and Welding building will house GTCC's Transportation education program, where students learn to build and service automobiles, transport trucks, and tractor trailers. A campus library, bookstore, and student support space will support the automotive program, while a Solar Photovoltaic Array, Green Roof, Greywater and Rainwater Harvesting System contribute to LEED Certification.
Not In Progress
144,000 sqft
External Team:
Architect-of-Record: Perkins Eastman
Services Provided:
Master Planning,
LEED Certification